CategoriesEast CoastEconomyCongress Set to Sell East Coast’s 1 Million Barrel Gas CachePosted by Peter Burton October 7, 2023(Bloomberg) — Congress is poised to sell off a 1 million barrel emergency cache of gasoline created in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy amid...
CategoriesFeaturedGlobal NewsEnbridge Bets Big on US Gas With $14 Billion Bid for Dominion UtilitiesPosted by Fred Mcguire September 26, 2023Sept 5 (Reuters) – Enbridge (ENB.TO) will buy three utilities from Dominion Energy (D.N) for $14 billion including debt, the Canadian pipeline operator said on Tuesday, creating North...
CategoriesFeaturedGlobal NewsHere’s Why Your Gas Bills Aren’t Going DownPosted by Frederick Pope July 22, 2023The federal government’s gas code of conduct is now law, but it doesn’t affect supplies already under contract. The code also has plenty of...