Home » Health Minister: Bulgarians do not need Vaccines against COVID-19

Health Minister: Bulgarians do not need Vaccines against COVID-19

Vaccines against COVID-19 are ineffective against the new variants. The population does not need vaccines at the moment, neither in our country nor in the European Union. Bulgaria refuses to buy them in the future.

This was stated by the caretaker health minister Asen Medzhidiev on BNT. He recalled that Bulgaria needs to buy vaccines against COVID-19 until 2025 in huge quantities, but has raised the issue with the European Commission to terminate the contract.

We have already scrapped huge quantities, this year we are going to scrap another 2,800,000 doses. This is a huge financial resource. I was categorical before the European Commission that Bulgaria is firmly in favor of terminating the contract with ‘Pfizer’ for the purchase of vaccines“, specified Medzhidiev.

The Polish Minister of Health was the first to support our position, there is also support from the Czech Republic and Lithuania,” he added. According to him, with the funds we pay for the purchase and destruction of vaccines, we will build a children’s hospital and there will be some left over for children’s centers in smaller settlements.

The minister also commented on the Bulgarian Medical Union’s proposal to increase the patient fee. “I support my colleagues, but this cannot be done before a regular budget is adopted,” explained Dr. Medzhidiev.

Regarding the air emergency, Medzhidiev said that two weeks ago the documents were signed with the Italian company for the delivery of 6 helicopters, and the first one will be received on December 15.

The Italian helicopters will be obtained under the Recovery and Resilience Plan. An additional lease is also being made and two helicopters will arrive in the summer months, with teams, pilots and technicians, and this assistance will start already in the summer, the minister stressed. The sites where these helicopters will land are also being specified.

Initially, the hangars where these helicopters will be based are in Dolna Mitropolia and ‘Vrazhdebna’. Separately, helicopter landing pads are provided in all large hospital complexes. There will also be a National Coordination Center for the flights, it was specified and it is under the Ministry of Health“, explained Asen Medzhidiev.

He recalled that a week ago the beginning of the project for a children’s hospital in Burgas was given, and ten days ago the first sod was laid for a new children’s complex at St. George’s UMBAL in Plovdiv.

Source : Novinite