Home » Watford Grandad Finishes 1,650 Mile Bus Trip Round England

Watford Grandad Finishes 1,650 Mile Bus Trip Round England

A 70-year-old grandfather has completed a 40-day challenge to travel the length and breadth of England entirely by public buses for charity.

Stephen Chitty from Watford, Hertfordshire, went on 117 buses for more than 1,650 miles (2,655km).

His trip started and finished in his home town and went to places such as Hayle in Cornwall, Liverpool, Ambleside in Cumbria, Newcastle and Norwich.

“I was amazed by the kindness and generosity of people I met,” he said.

Mr Chitty has raised more than £1,900 for faith-based charity Mercy Ships.

It uses hospital ships to deliver free healthcare services, including surgery and medical training, to low-income countries.

He said: “Travelling on your own for 40 days can be quite lonely but it was a true bonus to meet so many lovely people and go to so many places I have not been before.”

Mr Chitty left Watford on 26 June and used his free bus pass to head to Kent along the south coast to the South West of England before heading up through the Midlands to the North of England.

He then travelled down the east coast, into Essex and back to Hertfordshire.

“I really appreciate all those who have been sponsoring me and giving me a bed for the night and also for all the support I received, including all those who prayed for me on my journey,” he said.

His daughter Lizzie Chitty, a nurse who works at Nottingham University Hospital, has volunteered for the charity.

She said he “wanted to do something special to mark his 70th birthday with each of his three children” after visiting her on a hospital ship and wanted to support the charity.

Source: British Broadcasting Corporation