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In two weeks, Germany will make a decision on fighter jets to Ukraine

The German government may reconsider its position on the possible supply of modern Western fighter jets to Ukraine , German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said in an interview with DW. “Now we are in a phase of rethinking and checking what is possible and what we want and can do. And I think we will decide within the next two weeks,” he said on Monday, June 5, in Indonesia.

Germany will have to rethink the politics of past decades

At the same time, the German minister again rejected the possibility of transferring Taurus cruise missiles to Kiev in the foreseeable future. Answering a question about Ukraine’s concerns about the use of German weapons on the territory of the Russian Federation, he noted that international law allows this to be done in self-defense. At the same time, according to him, Berlin, like Washington, has always emphasized that they would not want to use their weapons to cross the Russian border. At the same time, he “completely trusts the Ukrainian partners.”

According to Pistorius, Germany will have to rethink its policies in recent decades. “German society, German politics have really changed their minds. If someone had told me two years ago that Germany would supply heavy weapons worth 3-5 billion euros, I would not have believed it,” he said. At the same time, it is necessary to consolidate all the countries of the world that are willing and able to defend the rule-based order, the German minister added.

German minister convinces the countries of the region of the inexpediency of demands for immediate peace

Pistorius also pointed out that during a trip to the countries of the Indo-Pacific region and negotiations with representatives of their authorities, he insists on the inexpediency of an immediate truce in the Russian war against Ukraine , since this would mean Russia’s success. At the same time, it is the Russian Federation that could put an end to this war by withdrawing all troops from the neighboring country, so stopping the supply of weapons to Kiev is not a solution to the conflict. “Ukraine is a sovereign country, and it must decide when the time comes for negotiations or something else. It does not depend on us,” he added and said that he manages to convince Germany’s partners in the Indo-Pacific region of this.

Speaking yesterday at the Shangri-La Dialogue international security forum in Singapore, Pistorius called on Indo-Pacific states to take a clear stand against attacks on the international security architecture , such as the Russian invasion of Ukraine. “This is incredibly dangerous for the whole world. If Russia wins, the signal to the revisionist powers in the world will be that aggression and unprovoked use of military force is acceptable and can be successful,” he said.

Source: Deutsche Welle