Home » Melia: The Arrival of Lavrov Family Members in Georgia is an Outstanding with Its Vulgar Cynicism

Melia: The Arrival of Lavrov Family Members in Georgia is an Outstanding with Its Vulgar Cynicism

“The hotel administration has confirmed that the guests are members of the Lavrov family. No more, no less, they settled in the Lake Kvareli hotel,” Nika Melia, the former chairman of the National Movement, said, being in Kvareli in front of the mentioned hotel.

According to Melia, the arrival of members of the Lavrov family in Georgia is Putin and Lavrov’s attitude towards the citizens of Georgia and the whole country, outstanding in its vulgar cynicism.

“They are playing the wedding of one of Lavrov’s closest relatives, the brother of his son-in-law. Here are Lavrov’s son-in-law, his daughter, the father of Lavrov’s brother-in-law, and three are under US, EU, Australia, and UK sanctions. That is, they cannot go anywhere, because they are sanctioned and arrived in Kvareli. While this country is occupied by Lavrov. After all, he is the author of the bloodshed that happened in 2008. After all, Mr. Lavrov and his family members are the authors of what is happening in Ukraine today. Today, here they will raise toasts to Putin and the Russian army with wishes for the victory of the Russian army and the defeat of Ukraine. This is a victory for Russia and a defeat for the Georgian people. This is incredible cynicism, vulgar cynicism,” Melia said.

According to him, the whole world must understand that it is the Georgian authorities and Putin’s government that are interconnected.

“Now it’s society’s turn. Gavrilov is nothing compared to these people. Since 2004, Lavrov has been the foreign minister of a terrorist state that propagandizes the murder and destruction of all peoples. The day has come when we learned that Putin’s inner circle is getting married in Georgia… The whole world should learn to the maximum that the Georgian government and Putin’s government are interconnected. The border between them is erased. There is no Georgian government in Georgia, there is a Russian government here,” Melia said.

Source: Georgia Online