Home » Aberdeen Beach Clean Organiser Celebrates 20 Years of Tidying North-East Coast

Aberdeen Beach Clean Organiser Celebrates 20 Years of Tidying North-East Coast

Iain House and his wife Julia have spent the last two decades taking part in clean-ups with the Marine Conservation Society and are urging others to do their bit to improve the environment.

A beach-clean organiser is celebrating 20 years of helping tidying up Aberdeen’s coastline.

Iain House and his wife Julia have spent the last two decades taking part in clean-ups with the Marine Conservation Society (MCS). Iain is urging others to do their part as the world faces increasing pressure in a climate crisis.

The MCS organises four beach cleans a year with the clean-ups helping to survey the waste found around the city as well as well as making Aberdeen more appealing.

Iain and his MSC colleagues were recently joined at the launch of Clean Up Aberdeen by Lauren Smith from the East Grampian Coastal Partnership. Both groups held a beach clean as part of Climate Week North East.

Iain said: “Thanks are due to the hundreds of local volunteers over the years that have been involved in taking action to improve the local marine environment. It’s amazing – it doesn’t feel like my wife Julia and I have been doing this for 20 years and it has just flown by.

“We have learnt that although the litter amounts are slowly reducing year-on-year recently, the battle however must go on, as Aberdeen has well over the UK average amount of beach litter, mostly plastics and polystyrene.

“Everyone can reduce litter at source, so please continue to play your part.”

Lauren added: “Clean Up Aberdeen is a positive initiative to encourage people to do their bit for where they live, collecting litter when out and about really starts to add up and improves the environment for wildlife, people, and the overall community.

“It’s great to be here today supporting Clean Up Aberdeen whilst representing EGCP and kicking off a series of cleans for Climate Week North East.

The Lord Provost of Aberdeen Dr David Cameron said: “It is fantastic Iain has been doing beach clean-ups for 20 years and we thank him for his contributions over the years.

“We all want our neighbourhoods to be tidy, clean, and green places and Aberdeen City Council wants to help local communities to help themselves to achieve that – unfortunately, we have limited resources and cannot be everywhere at the same time.

“We all want a better environment which leads to better lives for everyone.”

Source: Aberdeenlive News