Home » Weather Blog: Here’s How Our Rainfall Compares to Florida’s East Coast

Weather Blog: Here’s How Our Rainfall Compares to Florida’s East Coast

Nearly all of the Sunshine State was experiencing drought just a few weeks ago but after historic rainfall in Fort Lauderdale, drought has been completely eliminated for parts of southeastern Florida. 

For our side of the state, we could still use rain. Cities like Bonita Springs, Estero, San Carlos Park and Gateway are still under extreme drought. 

While Southwest Florida is still under a rainfall deficit across many communities, check out the rainfall accumulation for Fort Lauderdale during April alone! The city is running over 25 inches above average for the month. 

This is due to the record rainfall Fort Lauderdale received from a stalled boundary last week. Over 17 inches were recorded causing widespread flooding and even a brief shutdown of the Fort Lauderdale airport. 

South Florida is known for receiving a lot of rain but this was historic. The city picked up roughly one fourth of its annual rainfall in less than 24 hours! 

In southwest Florida, we’ve experienced numerous cold fronts that have helped bring beneficial rain over the past few months but our rainfall deficit is still over 3 inches since the beginning of the year. Fortunately, the rainy season begins in about one month. 

Source: NBC