Home » Bulgaria celebrates Liberation Day. See when is it

Bulgaria celebrates Liberation Day. See when is it

On March 3, 2023, Bulgaria will commemorate its Liberation Day, which marks the country’s independence from Ottoman rule. The Treaty of San Stefano, signed on March 3, 1878, recognized Bulgaria as an independent state after almost 500 years of Ottoman control. The day is celebrated to honor the Bulgarian volunteers, who fought alongside Russian and Romanian soldiers in the Russo-Turkish War (1877-1878) to free their country from Ottoman oppression.

Bulgaria’s history dates back to the First Bulgarian Empire, which was formed in 681 A.D. After the Second Bulgarian Empire fell to the Ottomans in 1396, Bulgaria was under Ottoman authority for nearly 500 years. Two uprisings against Ottoman rule in 1875 and 1876 resulted in the deaths of thousands of Bulgarians. Tzar Alexander II led Russia against the Ottomans in 1877, and the Treaty of San Stefano was signed on March 3, 1878.

The Treaty of San Stefano paved the way for Bulgaria’s independence, but its influence was opposed by the Great Powers, and it was replaced by the Treaty of Berlin in July 1878. Nonetheless, Bulgaria declared its independence on March 3, 1878, and established its government, leadership, and culture. Prince Alexander of Battenberg became Bulgaria’s first ruler on March 3, 1880.

Source : EconomicTimes