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Uzbekistan, Slovenia plan to boost co-op in various fields

Uzbekistan and Slovenia discussed prospects of boosting bilateral cooperation in trade and economic, investment, transport, and logistics spheres, as well as industrial cooperation.

The matter was discussed between Uzbekistan’s Minister of Investment, Industry, and Trade Laziz Kudratov, and Slovenia’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Tanja Fajon.

During the meeting, the sides talked about prospects of developing investment cooperation and industrial cooperation through regular joint business forums and exhibitions “Made in Uzbekistan and Slovenia,” and agreed that the most promising areas for joint projects are the following sectors: energy, agriculture, textile and pharmaceutical industry, infrastructure construction and IT.

The parties also emphasized the positive dynamics of growth of bilateral trade turnover, which increased by 40 percent in 2022, due to Uzbekistan’s active use of the status of a beneficiary of the EU preferential system “GSP+”. The importance of the Agreement on Economic Cooperation between Uzbekistan and Slovenia signed the day before, which will serve as a basis for further development of interaction between the countries was also noted.

Following the negotiations, the sides agreed to hold online consultations between the aviation authorities to discuss further practical steps in the establishment of charter and scheduled flights between the capitals of the two countries, as well as to expand the partnership in the trade and economic field, by taking measures to extend Uzbekistan’s mentioned status and provide the necessary support to Uzbek exporters to use it effectively.

Earlier on January 8, the Uzbekistan-Slovenia business forum, with the participation of heads of ministries, industry associations, and more than 100 representatives of the business community of the two countries, was held in Uzbekistan’s capital Tashkent. Within the framework of the forum, business circles of both countries considered prospects for establishing partnerships in the automotive industry, the production of components, metal products, hydraulic turbines, and pumps, as well as a joint production of pharmaceuticals.