Home » Sisi’s messages to the leaders of Turkey, Syria, Croatia and Romania, and Arab journalists

Sisi’s messages to the leaders of Turkey, Syria, Croatia and Romania, and Arab journalists

 El-Sisi received the members of the new General Secretariat of the Union of Arab Journalists, headed by Moayad Al-Lami, President of the Union and the President of the Iraqi Journalists Syndicate, and in the presence of Karam Jabr, President of the Supreme Council for Media Regulation, and Diaa Rashwan, President of the Egyptian Journalists Syndicate and Honorary President of the Arab Journalists Union.

Counselor Ahmed Fahmy, the official spokesperson for the Presidency of the Republic, stated that the President congratulated the President of the Union of Arab Journalists and members of the General Secretariat for their victory in the union elections that were held recently, stressing Egypt’s full support for their work and the important role played by the Union of Arab Journalists in supporting the Arab press and reader.

For their part, the attendees expressed their honor for the President to receive them with the new formation of the Federation’s General Secretariat, noting their appreciation for Egypt’s leading position in the Arab world, and its rational and responsible political role at the Arab, regional and international levels, stressing their appreciation for the tangible developments they are witnessing in Egypt at a rapid pace.

The spokesperson stated that the meeting witnessed an open dialogue with the President on ways to enhance the vital role of the Arab press, as the President indicated that the press in general and the Arab press in particular are facing new conditions imposed by the spread of social media on a very large scale, which requires the press to continue modernizing its role. Continuing and balancing the requirements of competition on the one hand, and the depth and objectivity in the proposition that characterize journalistic work on the other hand, and in a way that contributes to crystallizing serious and effective visions to deal with the common challenges facing Arab countries, foremost of which is the achievement of peace, stability and comprehensive economic and social development, stressing that The word is a great responsibility and trust because of its impact on shaping public awareness and the collective mind of peoples.

The meeting also touched on the multiple aspects of joint Arab action and the challenges facing it, and the unprecedented challenges witnessed by the Arab countries in recent years that threatened the national state itself, as a national entity that unites the people and provides them with security and livelihoods and life. In that context, the President affirmed that Egypt’s position on Arab issues is consistent, in terms of upholding Arab solidarity, consolidating national institutions, and refusing to interfere in the internal affairs of states, with constant concern for good neighborliness and strengthening bonds of brotherhood and love among Arab peoples.

The meeting also dealt with developments in the situation on the Arab and international arenas, where Mr. President stressed the importance of collective Arab action in dealing with existing crises, and advancing efforts for a peaceful settlement of them, in a way that achieves the supreme interests of the Arab peoples and preserves their capabilities, especially at this delicate time that the international system is going through. .

Today, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi received “Nicolai Chueca”, Prime Minister of the Republic of Romania, in the presence of Dr. Mostafa Madbouly, Prime Minister, Sameh Shoukry, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Eng. Ahmed Samir, Minister of Trade and Industry, as well as “Florin Spataro”, Romanian Minister of Economy, and Ambassador “Mihai Stobar”. Romanian ambassador in Cairo.

Counselor Ahmed Fahmy, the official spokesman for the Presidency of the Republic, stated that the president welcomed the visit of the Romanian Prime Minister to Egypt, asking to convey greetings and appreciation to President “Klaus Johannes”, praising the historical relations between the two friendly countries that passed 117 years ago.

The President also expressed the aspiration to strengthen bilateral cooperation in light of the positive and constructive steps between the two countries in recent years, which were expressed by the exchange of high-level visits, led by the President’s visit to Bucharest in June 2019, then the visit of the Romanian President to Egypt in October 2021, as well as the participation of The Romanian President at the World Climate Summit, which will be held in Sharm El-Sheikh in November 2022.

from his side; The Romanian Prime Minister conveyed to the President the greetings and appreciation of the Romanian President, stressing the keenness to continue coordination and consultation between the two friendly countries in light of Egypt’s pivotal role in laying the foundations for stability and security in the Middle East and the African continent, as well as looking forward to developing and strengthening Romania’s relations with Egypt in all fields. Especially economic and commercial, in addition to exchanging experiences and encouraging joint investments in sectors with a competitive advantage in Egypt and Romania. In that context, it was agreed on the importance of holding the next session of the joint committee between the two countries as soon as possible, and they also discussed cooperation in the field of energy of all kinds, in light of the keenness of the two countries to diversify and secure their sources of energy, especially in light of the Russian-Ukrainian crisis and the challenges it imposed. global in this respect.

The Spokesman added that the meeting also dealt with a number of regional issues, on top of which was the Palestinian issue and the Egyptian efforts to achieve calm between the Israeli and Palestinian sides, where it was agreed on the importance of intensifying efforts to find a just and comprehensive solution in accordance with the decisions of international legitimacy.

The meeting also touched on discussing the developments of the Russian-Ukrainian crisis and its political, economic and humanitarian repercussions at the global level. In that context, the President expressed Egypt’s appreciation for Romania’s reception of Egyptian students who were forced to leave Ukraine, and facilitating their return to their country.

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi also received Zoran Milanovic, President of the Republic of Croatia, at the Federal Palace, where the official reception ceremony was held, the guard of honor was reviewed and the two national anthems were played.

Counselor Ahmed Fahmy, the official spokesperson for the Presidency of the Republic, stated that the meeting witnessed the holding of individual discussions, followed by extensive discussions between the delegations of the two countries, which were characterized by understanding and convergence in viewpoints, as the two presidents expressed mutual appreciation for the extended historical relations between Egypt and Croatia, which were embodied in many positions regarding Among them is Egypt’s hosting of thousands of refugees in Al-Shatt camp during World War II, with the assertion that the visit of the Croatian president to Egypt reflects the importance that the two parties attach to these relations, and the joint keenness to move them to broader horizons and a more distinguished level, especially in light of what Egypt represents as a basic pillar of stability. in the Middle East and Mediterranean regions, as well as the important role of Croatia within the institutions of the European Union.

The two presidents discussed ways to move forward in strengthening and developing bilateral relations between the two countries in various fields, in a way that contributes to achieving the interests of the Egyptian and Croatian peoples, as it was agreed to intensify mutual bilateral visits at various levels, with the aim of deepening cooperation at all levels, especially with regard to strengthening Tourism cooperation in the light of the distinguished experience of Croatia in this regard, as well as the investment relations between the two countries, to enhance facing the challenges posed by the global economic crisis, and to maximize the benefit from the various investment opportunities offered by the current development projects in Egypt, especially in the economic zone of the Suez Canal, as well as to maximize The volume of trade exchange and cooperation to enhance energy security in both the Mediterranean basin and the European continent.

The Spokesman added that the meeting also witnessed a review of a number of files of common interest, including Egypt’s efforts in confronting the phenomena of illegal immigration and terrorism, which are praised and appreciated by all international parties, including the European Union.

The talks also touched on a number of issues in the Middle East region, especially the Palestinian issue, where they agreed on the importance of intensifying the efforts of the international community to calm the situation and contain the recent tensions between the Palestinian and Israeli sides, as well as confirming the Egyptian position on settling the issue through the two-state solution and the establishment of the state. an independent Palestinian state in accordance with international legitimacy.

The talks also dealt with the Russian-Ukrainian crisis, where the President affirmed Egypt’s support for giving priority to dialogue and activating all means leading to calm and reaching a peaceful solution to the conflict.

President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi also held a phone call with Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad.

Counselor Ahmed Fahmy, the official spokesperson for the Presidency of the Republic, stated that the President expressed, during the phone call, his sincere condolences for the victims of the devastating earthquake that occurred on February 6, and his wishes for a speedy recovery for the injured.

The President also affirmed Egypt’s solidarity with Syria and its brotherly people in this painful affliction, referring to His Excellency’s directives to provide all possible aid and relief assistance in this regard to Syria.

from his side; The Syrian President expressed his gratitude for this generous gesture from the President, stressing Syria’s pride in the historical and fraternal relations that bind the two brotherly countries and peoples.
President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi also held a phone call with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Counselor Ahmed Fahmy, the official spokesman for the Presidency of the Republic, stated that the president offered his condolences and sympathy to the victims of the horrific earthquake that resulted in thousands of victims and wounded, stressing Egypt’s solidarity with the brotherly Turkish people, and providing humanitarian assistance and relief to overcome the effects of this disaster.

On his part; The Turkish President thanked the President for these good feelings, noting that they confirm the depth of the historical ties that unite the two brotherly Egyptian and Turkish peoples.