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A stand in solidarity with Syria in the Czech capital

The Czech branch of the National Union of Syrian Students, and the members of our community residing there, organized a solidarity stand todayAt the headquarters of the Syrian Embassy in the capital, Prague, as an expression of their support for their homeland, after the devastating earthquake that occurred last Monday.

During the vigil, the students and members of the community denounced the illegal coercive sanctions imposed by the West on Syria, calling for their immediate lifting.

Mrs. Amira Qarwani, Chargé d’Affaires at the embassy, ​​spoke about the great efforts made by the government and public and private institutions despite the harsh conditions to face the consequences of the devastating earthquake, stressing that unfair Western sanctions and pressures imposed on Syria exacerbated the suffering of those affected by the earthquake.

Qarwani praised the fruitful efforts, role and solidarity of Syrian students and members of the community residing in the Czech Republic in the face of this great ordeal and their donations, in addition to the efforts of Czech citizens and foreigners who flocked to the embassy to express their feelings of solidarity and donate to the victims of the earthquake in Syria.

source: sana